Monday, February 4, 2008

Happy Monday!

Monday. Most individuals who happen to live on this fine planet of ours seem to have a great disdain for this opening day of our workweek (or, in my case, as well as all of the rest of my fellow school-aged companions, schoolweek). Why is it that Monday is so harshly and insensitively shunned by almost all of humankind? Why, oh why is it becoming harder and harder every day to find another one of those rare, precious, Monday-embracing fanatics? Why? I'll tell you. It is because of this: we have become too easily persuaded that the weekend is the only time of our lives that we are allowed to enjoy ourselves; indeed, we need to come out of our cubicle-trapped little mind holes, and embrace the weekdays for what they are! In a word: opportunity. yes, opportunity awaits us- not only on the weekend, but every day!! It is time for us, as a whole, to press on and live every day to it's fullest! God has so much in store for us, if only we will take hold of that golden window of opportunity, and press on toward the eternal goal! With everything in us, let us rejoice! for Monday is a day of celebration! His Grace is new every morning! And now, have a very happy Monday!!! Go out and live each moment for the glory of God in Heaven!


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